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Visual Solutions

Turning your vision into reality, through modern, cutting edge techniques and technologies for the best user experience, viewership and visualisation that sets you apart from the rest.


At Automata1, we stand at the forefront as a premier UI/UX design company. Our innovative UI/UX methodologies and unwavering commitment to the latest practices allow us to effectively convey your brand’s essence. With our user-centric design approach and dedicated user experience design services, we pinpoint your customers’ pain points and create impactful solutions that elevate their experiences.

As a leading user experience consulting company, we use cutting-edge procedures like design discovery, UX Design, Visual and UI Design, Graphic Design, HCD and HCI. These techniques ensure that our team delivers a final product that is truly exceptional and goes beyond the ordinary.

We use advanced tools to bring your digital product or solution to life. We enhance user interaction and drive sales by bridging the gap between the human mind and your digital offering. At Automata1, we believe in crafting designs that captivate and inspire meaningful connections.

Digital Twins

Experience the extraordinary with our Digital Twins. We’ve developed highly accurate virtual replicas of real-world products and systems that will allow you to simulate and visualize with unrivaled precision. From a vending machine simulator for a soft drink company to a conveyor system replica and an immersive in-store experience simulator for a hypermarket, our creations push the boundaries of technology.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Discover the boundless potential of Automata1’s AR projects as we tackle real-world challenges with ingenuity and flair.

Elevator Maintenance App:

An app that monitors elevator status and is equipped with intuitive voice commands, it provides precise updates and troubleshooting guidance, ensuring smooth operations and swift problem-solving.

AR Murals:

Our collection of AR murals unveils a mesmerizing fusion of the physical and digital worlds. Witness animated illustrations of future events, breathing life into static artwork and transporting you into a world of awe-inspiring possibilities.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Embrace the era of virtual reality (VR) with our pioneering ventures into the realm of Oculus DK1. Automata1 is at the forefront, consistently delivering remarkable VR projects that push boundaries and ignite the imagination. Here are just a few examples:

White-Hat Hacker Training Simulation:

In our white-hat hacker training, simulation missions are designed to thwart malicious and destructive activities.

Ship Systems Monitoring VR Experience:

Monitor ship systems directly from the Control Room, proactively solving problems before they occur.

Cave VR

Our custom solutions harness the power of CAVE VR technology for an unparalleled experience. Here are just a couple of examples:

Gallery App CAVE:

It’s a virtual gallery like no other, with captivating simulations, engaging activities and a wealth of information, all brought to life in a stunning virtual environment.

Supermarket Experience CAVE:

An immersive experience allowing users to customize shelves in a hypermarket, run experiments and fine-tune product visibility to achieve optimal results.

Interactive Controls

At Automata1, we go above and beyond to incorporate cutting-edge control mechanisms, elevating user experiences to new heights. Here are notable examples:

Soft Drink Vendor Experience:

Using SenseGlove, users can effortlessly identify and showcase product flaws to enhance the vending experience.

Jet Controls Experience:

Take command of virtual jet controls with Leap Motion’s precise hand tracking.


Automata1 uses real-world data to create simulations that elevate industries and drive innovation. Here are a few examples:

F/A-18E Super Hornet Simulation:

Engage in thrilling missions and coordinate with squadron allies using our physics-based AI system that delivers an authentic aviation experience.

Chips Fryer Simulation:

Optimize production and reduce waste with our simulation that offers insights into different baffle types and parameters for maximum efficiency.

Data Visualizations

Benefit from Automata1’s deep knowledge in data science, analytics and UX design to unlock the full potential of your data presentation. Our team is adept at crafting compelling solutions that bring your data to life with precision and impact. Count on us to deliver customized dashboards and reports that curate pertinent data tailored to your targeted audiences.

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